प्रिय /Dear SACHIN KUMAR SHARMA , कृपयासंलग्नई-प्रमाणपत्रदेखें/Please see the attached E- Certificate – Machine Learning using Python *Generally the Digital Signature if opened in Browser it may show as "Not Verified" or "Invalid", this means the signature is not validated at your end by any software. To validate the signature you may have to install Adobe Acrobat Reader and once opened there It will automatically validate the signature and show as verified. If it is not done automatically find the video to get it validated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dEO09TPkIc सादर/ with regards, प्रशिक्षणअधिकारी/Training Officer ‘स्वच्छता ही सेवा’ (Cleanliness is Service) National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Website: http://nielit.gov.in/calicut/index.php Phone : 91-495-2287266,2287268 Fax: 2287168 Follow us: Facebook Twitter WhatsApp:- # 9446711666 NIELIT HeadQuarters Official Twitter


कृपयासंलग्नई-प्रमाणपत्रदेखें/Please see the attached  E- Certificate – Machine Learning using Python

*Generally the Digital Signature if opened in Browser it may show as "Not Verified" or "Invalid", this means the signature is not validated at your end by any software. To validate the signature you may have to install Adobe Acrobat Reader and once opened there It will automatically validate the signature and show as verified.

If it is not done automatically find the video to get it validated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dEO09TPkIc

सादर/ with regards,

प्रशिक्षणअधिकारी/Training Officer

‘स्वच्छता ही सेवा’ (Cleanliness is Service)

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
Website: http://nielit.gov.in/calicut/index.php
Phone   : 91-495-2287266,2287268 Fax: 2287168
Follow us: Facebook   Twitter
WhatsApp:- # 9446711666
NIELIT HeadQuarters Official Twitter

